Ayr Minor Soccer Club 



Each individual Club is responsible for their registration of players.


2.1 Players in the senior year in their Division shall be allowed to request, in writing, to play up in the next Division provided a waiver has been signed by parent/guardian at the time of registration. Placement is subject to available space.

2.2 Placement of a player in a Division different from the one for which he/she qualifies, shall only be made on an exception basis (i.e. special needs), and only at the discretion of the Twin Rivers Soccer League Executive.

2.3 A female player may register and play on a female team, male team or a mixed team. A male player may register and play on a male team or a mixed team. This rule is binding on all leagues, competitions, tournaments and exhibition games under the jurisdiction of Twin Rivers Soccer and all of its member organizations. Unspecified gender may play on a team in accordance with rule 2.4.

2.4 A player may register with the gender team with which the player identifies, and confirmation sufficient for guaranteeing access shall be satisfied by documentation or evidence that shows the stated gender is sincerely held, and part of a person’s core identity. Documentation satisfying the herein stated standard includes, but is not limited to, government issued documentation or documentation prepared by a health care provider, counsellor, or other qualified professional not related to the player.


3.1 All house league teams that play in Twin Rivers League will be limited to 18 players for divisions U12 to U21. U10 will be limited to 13 players. Twin Rivers Soccer Executive may allow more than 18 players (or 13 players depending upon the division) depending on registration numbers.

3.2 All registered house league players will be divided into equal teams, based on age, gender, and if available, skills rating. This will be handled by the Division Convener for each individual Club.

3.3 Prior to the commencement of the season, each Club should review their teams for equal distribution of players and relative team parity. If deemed necessary, each Club could transfer players within the first 3 weeks of the season to achieve such parity.

3.4 Immediate family members of the same divisional age will be placed on the same team except where leagues are split into boys and girls. Coaches and their children will automatically be placed on the same team.


4.1 Transfers of players, instigated at the request of the player or parent/guardian prior to the first scheduled league game, shall be handled by each individual Club.


5.1 All house league games will be played at fields designated by each Club involved in the Twin Rivers Soccer League.

5.2 Any games that are being played at a 3rd party centre field, needs to be coordinated with the neutral host centre, so that they can confirm field availability and arrange for referees.  Field and referee fees will be charged to the requesting centre.

5.3 All games must be sanctioned by the Scheduler or the League Coordinator. Any unsanctioned game is null and void.

5.4 All games should start on time; otherwise the Referee shall commence play as soon after scheduled start time as 7 players for each team are available for U12 to U21 divisions or 6 players for each team in the U10 division.

5.5 A game shall be declared forfeit if a team cannot start the game with a minimum of 7 players for U12 to U21 and 6 players for U10 within a grace period of 15 minutes past scheduled game time; and the game shall be awarded to their opponents by a score of 5-0. If both teams cannot field the minimum number of players, the game shall be double defaulted and no points will be awarded.

5.6 Number of players on the field:

U12 through to U21:

a) teams that show up with 7 players, opposing team can play up to 9

b) teams that show up with 8 players, opposing team can play up to 10

c) teams that show up with 9 players, opposing team can play up to 11

d) teams that show up with 10 players, opposing team can play up to 11

e) Tournament play: minimum to play game is 7 players, opposing team can play up to 11


a) teams that show up with 6 players, opposing team can play up to 7 players

b) teams that show up with 7 players, opposing team can play up to 8 players

5.7 All games have field priority over practices. All practicing coaches and players must leave the field at least 20 minutes prior to a scheduled game commencing on that field.

5.8 The referee will input the game scores into the power-up computer system.

5.9 All coaches are to coach their teams from the designated coach’s box.

5.10 All team officials must be written on the game sheet prior to the game (max of 2 coaches per team and rostered players). Anyone not listed on the game sheet must sit on the opposite side of the field.

5.11 Ball sizes and game durations are as follows:

Length of Game                           Ball Sizes

U21: 2X45 minute halves                       #5

U17: 2X40 minute halves                       #5

U14: 2X35 minute halves                       #5

U12: 2X30 minute halves                       #5

U10: 2X25 minute halves                       #4

5.12 No slide tackles allowed (a ball challenge that involves another player) for the safety and well-being of all players.

5.13 Second throw-in attempts for U10 divisions are permitted until the end of the third week from the start of the season or the start of the U10 tournament, whichever comes first.  There will be no re-throw attempts permitted after this date or at any point during the season for U12 and up.

5.14 All games must have a coach present and managing each team on the field. A game must not commence if team does not have a coach. The team will be given a grace period of 15 minutes past scheduled game time for a coach to show up, after which time the game will be forfeit with the opposing team scoring 5-0. Should both teams not have coaches zero points will be awarded. A substitute coach may step in, who can be a parent volunteer, another coach or person over the age 18 who is not member of said team.

5.15 If at any time a coach or a referee feels that a game is becoming too aggressive in a way that has potential to become violent, whereas injury to a player either by malicious intent or otherwise, the referee or a coach may remove the players from the field. Should this occur, it will be brought to the Twin Rivers Executive board members for review within 48 hours of the game. Until the board has reviewed and assessed the events of the game no score will be awarded.


6.1 All Twin Rivers League players shall play at least half (50%) of every scheduled game including tournaments, playoffs & championship games, except by reason of injury preventing 50% minimum participation. A coach may sit out’ a player for disciplinary purposes, but must report action on the game sheet.

6.2 All players playing in Twin Rivers League listed on the game sheet before the game starts are entitled to play, whenever they arrive at the field, for the remaining duration of the game. However, when a coach removes a player from the game sheet and replaces them with a call up, the removed player is no longer eligible to play the game. If the coach has not completed the game sheet within 15 minutes after the start of the game the game could be a forfeit.


7.1 Substitutions will be allowed at the following stoppages of play:

1) when a goal is scored

2) at any goal kick

3) at the start of the second half

4) when a player is injured (at the Referees discretion)

5) on your team’s possession throw-in

6) if possession team substitutes on a throw-in, then the opposing team may substitute as well.

7.2 In extreme cases of heat, substitutions may be made on any stoppage in play at the Referee’s discretion.


8.1 If the second half has kicked off then the score stands as the final result, if the game becomes abandoned.

8.2 When a game is abandoned (for reasons other than forfeit) with the second half not started, that game will be replayed.

8.3 In the event of an abandoned game and the second half has not started, coaches are required to notify the League Coordinator of the abandoned game within 48 hours. They will then make arrangements with the League Coordinator to reschedule the game. Failure to contact the League Coordinator within 48 hours could mean the game is forfeited, with no points awarded to either team.

8.4 A game that had not started should be dealt with as in 8.3 above.

8.5 If a referee abandons a game for conduct issues, the game will not be replayed.

8.6 An abandoned game should be rescheduled to be played within 2 weeks of the original scheduled date.


9.1 Coaches will have until the end of the second week of the season start to notify Twin Rivers Board of any scheduling conflicts for the season.  After this date, no rescheduling requests are permitted.  Should a team not be able to field a team for any reason after this date, the game will be recorded as a forfeit and the score will be recorded as a 5-0 win for the opposing team.

9.2 There shall be no postponed games except as follows:

a) when ordered by the Referee for reason of unsafe field, unsafe weather or crowd control

b) when ordered by the Home Team Club Executive for good & sufficient cause.


10.1 In all games, 3 points shall be awarded for a win, and 1 point each for a tie game.

10.2 In any game played a maximum goal differential that will be recorded will be 5 goals (e.g. if the winning team scored 15 goals and the losing team scored 5 goals, the recorded game score will be 10-5). This will apply to the regular season only not the play-offs.

10.3 Final regular season and play-off standings shall be determined by: a) goals for – minus goals against for the tied teams b) head to head for the tied teams c) goals for, for the tied teams d) goals against for the tied teams e) coin toss

10.4 Should 2 or more teams finish with an equal total number of points for first place in round robin play-off standings, 10.3 a) through e) above shall apply.

10.5 If at the end of a double knock-out tournament game, a winner shall be decided by penalty kicks. Five players on each team will kick then go to sudden death penalty kicks until there is a winner.  Every player (unless injured or removed from the game, or serving a current suspension) must attempt a kick before any player can have a second kick.  Any player can be included in the first 5 kicks; they do not have to be on the field at the end of the game. Goalies can only be changed at the end of the game and cannot switch during kicks (unless goalie is injured).

10.6 In the event that a division has an odd number of teams where one team will play one extra game during the regular season, their first game does not count towards their points total.


11.1 All players will wear current season soccer uniform (shirt, shorts, and socks) as provided by the Twin Rivers Soccer League and/or individual Club, as well as shin pads and soccer cleats, in all games. Exceptions to this rule are:

a) Goalkeepers may wear track pants and soft brim caps.

b) Sunglasses are permitted only if they are prescription and tinted.

11.2 Goalies must wear a different color jersey from his/her own team color to be identified as the goalie.  Long sleeve goalie shirts are preferable for safety and for better identification as a goalie.  Pinnies or a different colored practice jersey would suffice, as a last resort a shirt can be worn backwards with the numbers on the front.

11.3 Jewelry is not permitted.

11.4 Soft or hard casts are not permitted.

11.5 No two players on the same team will wear the same number.


12.1 In the event a team plays an ineligible player or players, the game shall automatically be awarded to their opponents by a score of 5-0.

12.2 A player may only be called up to the Division above his/her own to play. A coach can only use a call up from their own club's current registration list. Any coaches using ineligible players will receive a 1 game suspension and an automatic game loss for the game the ineligible player(s) attended.

12.3 Suspended players cannot be called up.

12.4 No player can play with a club unless registered with that club; players can only register with one club within the Twin Rivers Soccer League.

12.5 A coach may call up as many players to bring his/her roster to no more than 16 players in total for U12 to U21, and 12 players total for U10. The call up must be identified on the game sheet and in the appropriate area in the game book. The regular player being replaced must be stroked off the game sheet. If the regular player decides to show up after start time and has already been stroked off the game sheet and replaced by a call up, they will not be allowed to play the game.

12.6 As of June 30th, all teams will be finalized and clubs must close registrations to Twin Rivers League.


13.1 Contact with the goalkeeper must be avoided.

13.2 If the opponent prevents keeper from putting ball in play, or raises foot to kick or attempt to kick ball in keeper’s possession, or opponent’s play is deemed dangerous (such as kicking at the keeper while they are flat on the ground), the referee’s discretion for the appropriate call could be a verbal warning up to and including an automatic red card.


14.1 Game duration, including finals, may be reduced from lengths of normally scheduled games during the season. Game duration will be provided with tournament schedules.

14.2 All other game rules will be consistent with those already described herein and those of the regular season rules.

14.3 Teams can still use call-ups for tournament games as set out in 12.2.

14.4 A call-up can only play for one team during the tournament.


15.1 All discipline of players and team officials reported for misconduct shall be under the jurisdiction of the Twin Rivers Soccer League.

15.2 All suspensions are automatic and are from all organized soccer activities. The listed suspensions will start on the day following the game and if not increased, the player may resume activity on the day following the end of any suspension.

Red cards

· 1st Red Card = minimum 1 Game Suspension (next game)

· 2nd Red Card = minimum 2 Game Suspension (next two games)

· 3rd Red Card = Automatic suspension until appearing at a Discipline Committee meeting, such meeting to be convened within 14 days of the incident.

Yellow cards (cautions):

· 3 Yellow cards over the season (not having received a red card) = 1 Game Suspension (next game)

· 4 th& 5th Yellow cards over the season = 2 Game Suspension (next 2 games)

· 6 Yellow cards over the season= Automatic Suspension until appearing at a Discipline Committee meeting, such hearing to be convened within 14 days of the incident.

NOTE: 2 yellow cards in 1 game = 1 red card and automatic next game suspension; and the 2 yellow cards still count towards the potential yellow cards suspensions as listed above.

15.3 Any cards received during regular season play, carry over to tournament play. Any suspensions received carry into tournament games.

15.4 All suspensions are to be served with the team/division in which the suspension(s) were issued and all players/coaches are not permitted to participate in any games until their suspension(s) have been served.  Twin Rivers Executive have the right to review all suspensions and have final say.

15.5 Coaches are responsible to enforce the suspension of his or her players.

15.6 Should a player take part in a game during a period of suspension, that player will be further suspended for a period of 6 months to1 full calendar year.

15.7 Players whose names are listed on the team sheet but not on the field of play, committing any offence warranting a caution or a sendoff shall be treated as if they were actually playing.

15.8 All misconduct reports will be reviewed and further action may be taken against any player judged to have committed a serious offence, or a player who is a persistent offender. The Twin Rivers Discipline Committee will be informed and a hearing may be called.

15.9 When cards are handed out, the Referee must indicate the player(s) name and number on the game book and in the Power UP database. The Referee must then inform the Twin Rivers Soccer League Coordinator/Administrator. The league coordinator will then inform the Twin Rivers Discipline Committee if needed, following rules laid out in section 15.2.

15.10 Suspended players must be identified on game sheets and in the Team Game Books, where the suspension is being served.

15.11 Coaches ejected from a game shall receive the same punishment as for red cards as noted in Rule 15.2.

15.12 In addition to Rule 15.9, Referees will complete a Referee Special Incident Report, re: Coaches ejected from games or displaying abusive behavior, which will be sent directly to the Twin Rivers Discipline Committee to be dealt with.

15.13 If a player is dismissed during a game, that team cannot replace the player with a substitute (must play with one less player).

15.14 If a player is dismissed or reported by a game official for racist or sexist comments made during the game or in the vicinity of the playing field, either during or after the game, that player will receive an automatic 3 game suspension according the following chart:



If a player is reported for racist or sexist comments made during the game or in the vicinity of the playing field, either during or after the game by a coach, another player, or spectator, the Twin Rivers Board will investigate the claim and the player could be issued a suspension in accordance with the chart above.

15.15 It is at the referees discretion to request (with or without the coach(es) assistance) any and all spectators not adhering to our spectator code of conduct to vacate the premises.  If the spectator(s) refuse to leave, the game will be stopped and the affiliated team will forfeit the game with a score of 5-0 being awarded to the non-affiliated team.   In the event that spectator code of conduct is violated by a spectator(s) from both teams and those spectators refuse to vacate the premises the game will stop and the score will be recorded as 0-0 with no points awarded to either team.  All spectators requested to vacate the premises have 5 minutes to do so, during this time there will be no stoppage to the game clock.

15.16 In the event that a Coach/Assistant Coach is not adhering to the Coach Code of Conduct the referee has the authority to issue a yellow card followed by a red card if the issue persists.  In the event that a Coach/Assistant Coach is issued a red card they will be asked to vacate the premises and will be given 5 minutes to do so, during this time there will be no stoppage to the game clock.  If the Coach/Assistant Coach refuses to leave the the premises, the game will be stopped and the affiliated team will forfeit the game with a score of 5-0 being awarded to the non-affiliated team.


16.1 All appeals are under the jurisdiction of the Twin Rivers Soccer League.

16.2 Any individual affected by a decision has the right to appeal that decision. Requests for a hearing must be directed to the Twin Rivers Soccer League within 48 hours of the end of the game. The requesting of a hearing will not delay the implication of a suspension, nor will it guarantee that the hearing will be granted.

Note 1: All players making appeals will pay a hearing fee of $50. If the player wins the appeal, the hearing fee will be reimbursed.

Note 2: Appeals of referee decisions, and decisions of the Twin Rivers Discipline Committee will not be entertained.


17.1 All protests arising out of games must be sent in writing to the Club President and the Twin Rivers Soccer League Coordinator within 48 hours of the game to which they relate.

17.2 A copy of the Protest must also be provided, by the Club President to the coach of the team against which the protest is lodged, within 48 hours of the game concerned.

17.3 Protests of Referee’s decisions will not be entertained.

17.4 All other protests shall be dealt with by the Twin Rivers Soccer League Executive, at their next scheduled meeting, or at a special meeting called at the discretion of the Chairman of the Twin Rivers League Executive.


18.1 The Rules and Regulations of the Twin Rivers Soccer League may be changed at any time by a majority of votes by the League Executive at a Board meeting of the club.


19.1 Referees must be older than the division they are refereeing.  ie. In a U17 game, the lead referee must be turning at least 18 during that year.  In the event that a club as no other choice but to field a ref who is not of the required age, the club is to inform both coaches of the situation.

19.2 It is the responsibility of the lead referee to bring a game sheet to every game.

19.3 The game sheet must be signed by the coaches of both teams at the end of the game only after the game results and discipline cards have been recorded.

19.4 The lead referee is responsible to copy information from the game sheet to each of the team’s game books.


20.1 All matters not included in these Rules and Regulations shall be judged in accordance with the constitutions of the Twin Rivers Soccer League